This installation is still on view.
Armando Lerma
La Fiesta en El Desierto
In 2011, Armando Lerma (formerly Date Farmers) started Coachella Walls. Over the past three years, it has developed into an essential ongoing arts driven community revitalization project, focused towards the upliftment of a low income, marginalized community in Downtown Coachella’s Historic Pueblo Viejo District. In addition to stimulating foot traffic to the area, “Coachella Walls” continues to raise awareness for the larger Eastern Coachella Valley and is dedicated “to the anonymous farmworker.” For Desert X, Armando created his own mural as part of the growing project in the city of Coachella.
La Fiesta en El Desierto
33.679833, -116.174139
85963 Grapefruit Blvd.
Coachella, California, USA
Desert X 2017