Jenny Gil
Jenny Gil has been holding leadership positions in arts organizations for over fifteen years with a focus on sustainability, advocacy and community development.
Prior to her current position as Executive Director at Desert X, Jenny Gil was Director of Exhibitions at Faena Art, in Miami Beach and Buenos Aires where she oversaw the inaugural public exhibition programs of the OMA / Rem Koolhaas Faena Forum in Miami Beach. She had been Executive Director of ICOM’s International Committee of Contemporary and Modern Art Museums (CIMAM) in Barcelona, Spain, where she created the Museum Watch advocacy program and was Founder and Director of Ninetofive, a contemporary art production bureau in Barcelona where she produced award-winning and critically acclaimed international exhibitions.
Jenny Gil holds a Masters in Philosophy by the Université Paris-Sorbonne and a Masters in Fine Arts by the Ecole Supérieure Nationale de la Photographie, Arles, France. She has contributed to international art publications, including Cahiers du Cinéma, Madrid; La Vanguardia, Barcelona, Papers d’Art, Girona and Arte al Dia, Miami.